New Haven \ Lux et veritas

Jordan is beginning his second, and final, year of his Master’s of Religion and Literature. Thus, we popped by to help with a little room decorating, a little pizza eating, and a little campus touring.  The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library is exceptional– the way the light pools in through the marble, the Gutenberg Bible (I had no idea it was so big!), the Audubon elephant-folio of The Birds of America, the floors and floors of rare books encased in the center of the building–a veritable glass tower of knowledge.  Later we even caught a glimpse of the 30 foot Tiffany stained-glass window as M decided if this would be the school for her one day.

It was a wonderful albeit all-t0o-brief visit.

beinecke rare book library

yale beinecke rare book library

marble at beinecke library

marble at beinecke library

marble at beinecke library

yale classroom with tiffany window

yale campus

yale students room

yale students room

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